Sunday, August 31, 2008

Netflix review

Rob and I watched The Fountain last week (a movie in the middle of the week feels like such a treat!). Have you heard of this movie? I hadn't. I've given you a review for every 15 minutes of the movie: (and no, the pictures below are not from 3 different movies)

:15 Wait, what is this movie about?
:30 I don't get it.
:45 Oh, I see.
1:00 Huh.
1:15 Interesting.
1:30 This is so sad.
1:45 This is so weird.
2:00 What the heck?

Should you see this movie? I thought it was cool, and thought provoking. Mostly I thought it was strange. So, you decide. I don't know what rating you'll find on it, I think you can get it either PG-13 or R. We saw the PG-13, maybe the R makes more sense. And maybe it just contains more awesome scenes with plants growing out of the guy's belly and mouth.