Tuesday, January 26, 2010


My husband is in the Hospital. It has been 4 1/2 days now. The wait is starting to wear on me, and I miss him. If you read this, please keep him in your prayers. There are still so many unknowns. But I hope for the best, or at least that he will come home soon. His little girls need him.

(for those of you who don't know, he went to the hospital with an extremely LOW blood count. They found antibodies attacking his red blood cells and he had lost 2/3 of his blood, amongst other things. So they are trying to figure out why. They are testing him for auto immune diseases, cancer, you name it, they have drawn blood for it. That is the gist of it.)


Mary said...

Oh my gosh, that's so scary. All my thoughts and prayers are going your way.

Heather, Rex, etc. said...

I hope you have answers soon! I am thinking of you!

Kendra said...

oh Natalie, your family is in our prayers. I will anxiously be waiting to find out more.

Nancy said...

That sounds awful! I will keep you in my prayers! (I'm Steph's friend)

Paige said...

Oh, you poor thing...that must be awful. Hang in there!

The Momma said...

He will be in my prayers tonight! Please let me know if you are doing a family fast. I would love to join!

Rae said...

Natalie, let me know if you need a break or just want to go sit with him at the hospital I will take the girls!! I hope there are answers soon!