Monday, June 21, 2010

Elementary School writing journal

October 26, 1987
On the weekend I got baptiesed it was fun my cousein did too. My teather came and my Bishup came it was fun we ate dinner at my ant's house. then we went to the plase I was getting baptiesed. then I got baptiesed. my cauesin did not want to get baptied but she did then we had cake and ice cream. then we went home. the end

November 10, 1987
Thankful. I am thankful for Anamails and people because thay make the world look better so it doesin't look dule and burring.

November 30, 1987
This weekend I went to the Huskie yung womons game it was in eastern Washington. It was fun. When the scor was 31 to 58 we made up a cheir EXTRA EXTRA read all about it Huskies going to make some points no dout about it.

December 3, 1987
If there wher no doorknobs.... I would not be abole to get in so I would be terafighted! mean! nasty! and I would have to be thode out of the house but!! ther would not be any doorknobs so ther!

December 14, 1987
On the weekend we deceratied are tree are great grandma came over. I found a star with the year when I was born on it. we had rootbeer flotes, mmm. then we had to get ready for bed. but we didn't ha! ha! ha!

January 19, 1988
This weekend I went to my dad's work he works at Nice wonger After that we had dinner for dinner we had chicken and Joe-Joes. the chicken wasn't cooked that good some of them wher bleeding. After dinner we went to REI. I firest (forced) my dad into letting me get a rope but when he said I could have one I didn't wont it.

February 16, 1988
This weekend I went to my aunt's house. I went outside to play. I wheur my rollerskats even now I couldn't skate in them. me and my cousin traided coats. She wheur my coat, and I wheur her jeen jacket. Then I went back in cause it's not fun to roller skate when you don't no how to. Then we played wheel of ferchin I was Vana White. One of the persons was Tom Selleck. I gave a hint, I said its one of the fathers on three men and a baby.

March 7, 1988
Halloween, Halloween, with goblins bright and ghosty nights, with witches mean and dule. But tricker treating is my best thing and going outdoors, going to partys and geting gum is mabee fun and cold, but!! when you get inside you mabee have to go in a hunted house, even if you do not want to.

March 21, 1988
The walk on the beach was dusty. When we were almost there, we heard laughing and shouting. My cousin said, "Let's hurry!" We ran to the beach there we saw a monkey, and children gathering around him he was juggaling shells we started laughing. THen the monkey thou the shells into the water, then he got some rocks. He started juggaling them he got a big ring and started jumping thou it. Then he got some people to do a song with him he picked my cousin the song was called lill, lage. After that we had to go home he gave all of us a peice of candy, when we got home we told my mom all a bout it, she thout we were making it up, what do you think.


monica said...

at first i thought these were some random kids....then i realized they were probably your that right?

Natalie said...

I knew it was steph all along. What the heck, hilarious. I have so many, did you make up that halloween poem? and why in March? Wheel of Ferchin...funny. Oh my gosh, I got such a kick out of that. It makes me wish I kept a better journal when I was a kid. Thanks for sharing.

Natalie said...

oh ya, and the doorknobs one, that was a bit "deep thoughts-ish" What a funny kid you were. I always wondered what was going on in your head...