Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dear Monica,

In the spirit of Natalie's last post, I'll write to you too! We miss you and Jachen and also the Florida Farrars. It's sad to have family that isn't here, but you know that if you were here, you'd realize that we're not having any special fun time without you. It may look like that in the photos, but it's just life. I know that's the part you miss - I just hope we don't make you miss it extra by telling you all about it :)

On the Monday of Labor-day weekend we went to Bethany Holm's wedding. It was a beautiful day. Cold, but at least we were outside (we tend to stay inside a lot - we are high maintenance with Henry and his naps). The wedding was at this farm just north of Kayak Point.

We didn't have any clean "church clothes" for Henry so we put him in his Aloha shirt. At the time I thought it was better than anything else because it at least had a collar...? I realized when we got there that it looked kind of ridiculous. We decided that if we hadn't just gotten home from a trip to Hawaii it would be even more ridiculous. But it's not like anyone there knew that :) Also, when I got home I realized there were clothes in the dryer he could have worn.

There is Kade. The Farmers came into town for the wedding, which was the best part of the whole thing, of course. Hannah didn't come - I guess you saw that on facebook. Kade is hilarious. I think he knows he is, though. He really likes the babies.
When James holds Henry he looks even smaller.
While we were waiting for the ceremony to start Kade and Claire were hanging out with James and the babies. The ceremony took place right here. Bethany was driven up in this old-timey car. Here dad met her at the car and they walked across this bridge and up the aisle.
Poor baby, we should have put him in pants. It was cold in the shade, which is where we sat. He was under the nursing cover most of the time, though. Yeah, I didn't know if that is awkward to nurse a baby during a wedding. I did stop nursing him for a few minutes when we stood for Bethany to come down the aisle.
We took some family photos on the bridge after. Could have been so cute except that Henry didn't ever look.
Because our photos were so cute James and Alicia wanted one. I took this while they were tucking in their shirts before. Hahaha
Then I took a real one. (or maybe Rob took it)
In other news...

Henry had a bad diaper rash a few weeks back. Letting him "air out" is a good way to get rid of it, but it's risky to not put a diaper on Henry. He's got some good distance on him, so we had to put towels all around him, almost covering half of our living room. We've had to wash our sheets and blankets and even our down comforter more times than we usually would due to him being left without a diaper a little too long.


Esther Noelle said...

I like this letter. Very cute. I remember those "airing" out sessions! So fun! Love the Hawaiian shirt... and that you had clothes in the dryer... sounds like something I would do. Ahhh... you're such a good mom Steph!

Monica @ All Things Lovely said...

ha, i am glad you are learning wedding etiquette.

that would have been fun to hang out with the farmers.

haha, naked baby. he sure is a cutie.

can't wait to have one. actually, i can wait and i am waiting. ha.