Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10 on 10: Stephanie

I didn't really want to post these pictures tonight, too tired and bored of the 10 on 10 idea this month I guess. So, if no one else ends up doing it, don't worry, I know how you feel!

8am: I'm witness to Henry's good-morning kiss
9am: I'm finally getting around to breakfast. Meet my new most favorite member of the kitchen-appliance family, my immersion blender. (smoothie: protein powder, milk, greek yogurt, banana, blackberry, spinach, flax seed)
10am: Story time at the library. I'm a bigger fan of this weekly event than Henry is. He does act excited and surprised when they sing a song that he knows.
11am: At the church for "Tots" (play time with other kiddos from the ward). Henry's friend, Suchen, was obviously feeling a little tired, all he wanted to do was sit on my lap and I didn't object!
12pm: Still at Tots.
1pm: I agreed to stay behind at the church and watch Collin while his mom ran some errands. We got kicked out of the building, but had fun playing outside for a while.
2pm: Henry is asleep and I'm working (when I say I only work once a week, that's only technically true)
3pm: I brought Henry to my meeting at work
 4pm: Getting started on dinner. The missionaries are going to eat the most processed meal I make.
 5pm: Watching Xander for a little while - these two are naughty boys! (but at least they're sharing!)


monica said...

I still love seeing these 10 on 10 even if you get bored of doing it. Thanks.

AHH we need to get a pumpkin stat! Before we know it this month is going to be over.

I need one of those immersion blenders.

well Suchen looks cute! love his little outfit. We have matching shirts.

Thats cute that your ward does Tots.

I sure love how Henry walks and how his arms are all over.

My guess is you made Shepards Pie...I sure wish I could make that here. But the canned green beans here are nasty.

Love the picture of the two boys.

Thanks again for sharing! I appreciate! And so will you one day when you get to look back on these days.

Lisa said...

I agree. I love to see the pictures, even though some months are sort of mundane things--but that's sort of the point I suppose.

Miss feeling autumnal. We'll get a pumpkin, but no more than a week before Halloween. If you get it sooner, it typically will rot in a few days.

Thanks for posting!

Natalie said...

yeah for 10 on 10. I do enjoy seeing all of your days...but mine are just hard to complete. I will do better next month. Yum, shepherd's pie, that is still one of my favorite comfort foods.