///11AMish after showering I drank some yummy peppermint hot chocolate I bought back at home...dang now I wish I bought more.

///NOONish eating lunch and watching Bones

///1PMish web time while watching more Bones

///2PMish watching Modern Family while eating a chocolate peppermint Luna bar. I guess it was a peppermint chocolate kind of day.

///4ish reading Mindy Kaling's book while listening to Imagine Dragons{a band} on Conan...Conan which happens to be Mindy Kaling's favorite comedian...as I learned in her book.

///6PMish in St.Gallen at the eyeglass place to get lenses put into Jachen's new frames.

///7PMish a fancy dinner in the city. Look how small and weak sauce Jachen's $6 burger is. Switzerland is seriously ridiculously overpriced. HATE IT.

AND about 2mins later we downed that dinner. No matter how overpriced it was.

///10PMish watching many youtube videos of Mindy Kaling being interviewed. Kinda obsessed with her these days.

SORRY for the crappy low resolution/grainy ipod camera photos. But that was my Jan 10th!
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