Tuesday, August 25, 2009

on repeat

Wikipedia says I was 21 when this song was on the radio, and that's about how old I'm feeling as I listen to it. That, or 18 or 14. I was reading my friend Laurel's blog when it started playing on her blog playlist. Since then it's been on repeat and I've been freaking out!

Is there anyone else out there who LOVES this song? I don't even think I loved it this much when it was actually on the radio (okay, I probably did).

The only question remaining is: who is cuter, Evan or Jaron!? See, I'm a 14 year old.


monica said...

i have heard this song twice in the last few weeks. once at the store. and i thought to myself, where are those evan and jaron boys? where are they!?

yes, great song.
and i don't even think it matters they are both beautiful.

Unknown said...

I am glad that I am not the only one that can listen to a song on repeat a million times and still not get tired of it!!! And yes this is a great song, and the boys are very yummy!

Meg said...

I LOVE this song!! Always have, Always will! Glad you posted it!

hannah said...

i have never heard that song but i really like it i would probably say the shorter hair guy