Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011 Personal Resolutions

I thought I'd post my resolutions for the new year, just my personal ones (Rob and I have family resolutions). I got inspired by Cindy's resolutions, that the number of resolutions match the age that she's turning that year. I'm turning 32 in Sept. That's a lot of resolutions, right? I thought about not doing it, didn't know if that was overkill, wondering if I should instead be satisfied with the resolutions Rob and I made together. However, I also know myself. I know that I don't easily make changes/commitments mid-year. If it's going to happen, it has to be in January.

These words by Sister Julie Beck in a conference talk reminded me that the most important resolutions are those of spiritual nature.

"A good woman knows that she does not have enough time, energy, or opportunity to take care of all of the people or do all of the worthy things her heart yearns to do...But with personal revelation, she can prioritize correctly and navigate this life confidently. The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life."

I also balanced the difficult, all-year-long resolutions with some tasks that once I do them, I can cross them off the list.

1. Attend an additional (besides monthly w/ Rob) Temple session each quarter

2. Read Book of Mormon daily, miss 2x/month max

3. Personal prayer morning and night, miss 2x/month max*

4. Read 8 books, including 2 nonfiction books

5. Gospel study during work lunch 3x/wk

6. 100% Visiting Teaching, 2 months exception*

7. Be less codependent- be willing to do things w/o Rob (ie., hang out with friends)

8. Healthy pregnancy weight gain for remaining months – minimal gain (baby weight, etc.)*

9. Lose pregnancy weight by 2012**

10. Train to run 5k after pregnancy

11. Check Facebook 1x/day max

12. Other online (blogs, just for fun – not emails, recipes, etc.) 2x/day for 5 min each

13. Create a monthly chore chart

14. Eat only 2 sweets/wk*

15. Learn and practice Kegels for labor & recovery*

16. Spend time with just me and a niece/nephew 1x/month

17. Complete New York trip scrapbook

18. Hang pictures in bedroom

19. Establish and stick to personal (clothing/fun) budget*

20. Establish and stick to gift budget

21. Establish and stick to grocery budget

22. Bake and decorate a 2-3 layer cake

23. Lift weights 2x/wk (for wks when I go to the gym 4x or more)*

24. Actively work on Personal Progress

25. Hang out with Jenaca every 2-3 months

26. Visit TaVaun 2x

27. Make Seattle concert cd

28. Hang out with UW SLP girls at least 3x

29. Memorize The Living Christ document*

30. Complete emergency binder

31. Cloth diaper Baby

32. Review and adjust resolutions after Baby comes

*most difficult to keep

**is this even realistic??


Kendra said...

33. visit Kendra this year

Monica @ All Things Lovely said...

wow, good job having so many goals. im pathetic and have no real goals for this year...well besides get married but that doesnt count.