Friday, February 10, 2012

ten on ten: February

My friend, Kendra, has done a series of blog posts titled "ten on ten." I've enjoyed getting a glimpse into her life as she posts 10 pictures -one from each hour for 10 consecutive hours on the tenth day of the month. More info here.

My intention is to do this every month for at least a few more months (if I can remember) but my hope is that the other Sisters Farrar will do the same - I'd love to see some images from their day too!

8am: learning more about Switzerland travel
 9am: walk with Alicia and the boys
10am: balloons on our walk
 11am: finding a recipe for scones
 12am: baby is awake, but the scones aren't done. Luckily he's entertaining himself
1pm: changing the baby's diapers requires some restraints (at least he's enjoying them)
 2pm: babysitting 3 little boys
 3pm: testing a swing to see if it will work for Henry's nap
 4pm: researching places to eat on our date
 5pm: visiting our friend's brand new baby girl (15 hours old!)


Natalie said...

That's fun. it is interesting to see someone's day like that. I dont think mine would be all that interesting, um sitting clara on the potty might be every hour! oh, and doing dishes, that's a classic. But I might eb up for the challenge next month...remind me before the 10th.

Monica @ All Things Lovely said...

Awesome, so glad you did this.
I have been wanting to do something like this too, but like natalie said most days consist of me alone doing boring stuff. BUT ill just have to pick a NON boring day to do it. HA. okay fine, maybe an ordinary day AND a non ordinary day. keep it up! and I agree the other sisters, especially Lisa should join in!