Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10 on 10: Stephanie

10am: At the library for story time, which was ended up being cancelled. Henry didn't know that's why we were going anyway, so he was okay with it. Look how handsome he is.
11am: At Business Costco. I forget how awesome this place is. This whole section contains equipment for making pizzas
noon: Henry borrowed a shark puppet from the library and now it's eating our plants.
1pm: Lunch. Henry loves peeling oranges all by himself.
2pm: My lunch. After yesterday's partial root canal (being finished up tomorrow), this peanut butter green smoothie is the only thing I can eat.
3pm: Crafting during naptime.
4pm: Someone stole my spot!
5pm: At the pharmacy to pick up some pregnancy-approved pain killers. Hallelujah (they then took a couple of hours to kick in, and I hurt a whole lot until they did).
6pm: Family date at Bellevue Square Mall's play area. Rob is driving the speedboat, if you can't tell.
7pm: We love family date night (and I'm finally not in pain!)!

One more, just for fun. Henry is really into light sabers these days, which he calls "Darth Vaders" and sometimes he pretends that he uses a binky.


Natalie said...

Love that first one of Henry, so cute! Looks like a great day.

Monica @ All Things Lovely said...
