730-830AM//Breakfast, reading and journal time
9ishAM-1ishPM//Hung around this place
3-4PM//Shoreline Costco
6PM//Dinner while watching Modern Family--what a funny episode
7PM//Jachen learning how to pump gas{use the machine} in the USA {then went to mom and dads for a bit}
That's fun that Nat did her Costco trip at your Costco - what a fun and easy way to hang out and for you to help with her errands (I don't know if she needs help, but I sure would love it). I would not trust my baby on your carpet, I'm guessing Elijah isn't a spitter like June. So is Jachen driving in the US now? Does he have a US license or just using his Swiss one?
She needs helping being motivated to go to Costco. So it worked out that I have a costco by us. Well, though our carpet is new...it's at least white so the spit up would clean up just fine.
He is barely driving. Thats why anytime he drives its a big deal. He isnt really comfortable driving here and stresses out a bit and isnt himself. He worries about others on the road and it makes him a little anxious. I make him drive as often as I can, but he rejects it a lot. He will get there. He just needs to feel comfortable and then he will be fine. He doesnt have a us license yet, once he feels better driving then he can take tests.
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