Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 10 on 10: Stephanie

Is it really October!?

7am: Watching Rob get ready to go running. It's dark and cold outside. No thank you. 

8am: finishing up my workout after the kids wake-up. Henry now, after watching me workout most days, often suggests we excercise. 

9am: reading with Henry. He's getting excited for Halloween and loves this Jesse Bear Halloween book. 
10am: faces. 

11am: laundry while henry looks through my really lame cd collection. 

12pm: lunchtime. Spicy butternut squash soup with quinoa and spinach for me (yum!) and grilled cheese and pickles for him (also yum!)

1pm: We went outside even though it rained. Only because I didn't know how hard it was raining when I promised henry he could ride his scooter around the block. 

2pm: looking forward to having some alone time with June once Henry went to bed, but she's made it clear that she's ready for her nap too. 

3pm: getting things done while both kids are asleep, like finally canceling my Kirkland gym membership. 

4pm: stealing cuddles from Henry as he watches his daily "after nap" show. Yes, Curious George really makes him that happy.


Monica @ All Things Lovely said...

love that face in the last picture--reminds me of that video of him laughing when he was in the carseat in switzerland.

love henry's happiness in the raincoat picture and june's profile!! so cute.

Natalie said...

Curious George makes us that happy in our home too! Looking at your kids makes me miss them so much. June is getting so big and oh so cute!