Thursday, March 10, 2016

March 10 on 10: Lisa

It's March! Which means it's just about spring. Yay!

8:00 - Alyssa was ready for school early and was very proud of herself. Colin wasn't nearly so excited. 

9:00 - Spider-Man was ready for preschool. 

10:00 - Clancy decided to take a break from taking all the cushions off the couch. 

11:00 - worked on a couple of home improvement projects, but first had to charge the drill battery (actually first had to find the charger to charge the drill). It is an honest coincidence that Colin's tool box and toy drill is in the background. 

12:00 - a little lunch after preschool

1:30 - I had a friend stop by to drop some things off and while we were chatting Colin decided to brush his teeth and his shirt and the cabinets and inside the drawers. At least now the bathroom smells minty fresh. 

2:30 - my first unfortunate run in with our gas stove. This coupon somehow fluttered near the burner and quickly went up in flames. Thankfully the sink was close and nothing else caught fire. I guess I won't we getting our $.50 off Ovaltine after all. 

3:30 - taking care of business

4:30 - it rained ALL day. And I realized I left the lawn chair in the yard. Guess it will dry out eventually. 

We had Marco's pizza for dinner complements of me getting the school fundraiser date wrong. It's next Thursday btw. 

7:30 - The night also included a nasty backside blowout which required EXTENSIVE cleanup. So after a multitude of disinfecting wipes, running the carpet cleaner and fending off the need to dry heave, all the kids were in bed and I may have indulged in more than one and less than 10 thin mints. 

So it was a pretty typical day 😀


9:00 - Jacob had an event that made him late getting home - thankfully he brought me some very yummy chocolates.

10:00 - guess who we caught trying to sneak downstairs. 



stephanie said...

naughty Colin! Those legs on Alyssa, you need to feed her more pizza :) Speaking of pizza, lucky you get to have it two weeks in a row! Mmm. That's the pizza we had, right?

Unknown said...

I agree, for the most part, but don’t you feel as if the issue is more complex than that?

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