9am: On our way to preschool

10am: Field day--first event (Obstacle Course)

11am: Field day--last event (Monkey Carry)

12pm: Picking up Alyssa from preschool

1pm: Watching Lady and the Tramp (again)

2pm: Requesting medical forms so we can register Alyssa for Kindergarten

3pm: Trying hard not to fall asleep

OH yay!! I am so glad you did this Lisa. And I am soooo happy you took a video and loaded it. So fun to see Alyssa playing with Colin. I want a day like this. What cute kiddos.
ha, monkey carry.
Yeah! Loved the video, what a great big sister! Colin is so cute and Alyssa is so much more grown up. We cant wait to see you guys this summer.
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