Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 10 on 10: Stephanie

Ten on Ten. 

The idea: Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. Then share your beauty with us!

nine o'clock: cousins sharing breakfast
10 o'clock: Henry's sea of books. Today was the first day he pulled most of his books out of the bookshelf and he loved it.
11 o'clock: Boys are asleep and I'm making trail mix. And eating trail mix.
12 o'clock: grocery shopping with these guys
 1 o'clock: my package arrives! Swimsuits - just got to try them both on and return the one that doesn't fit
 2 o'clock: sunshine on the deck
3 o'clock: Reading Monica's 10 on 10 post.
 4 o'clock: Still haven't cleaned up this -
5 o'clock:  Rob making my dinner (and the dinner for our friends who just had a baby)
6 o'clock: Seafood. Get it? SEE FOOD. He's hilarious. (actually, he's doing the "toss it up high" part of patty-cake. I probably could have had 10 pictures of him doing patty-cake because he does it at least once every hour, every day of the month.)

1 comment:

Monica @ All Things Lovely said...

Umm feel free to send me some of that trail mix with dad.

I love that picture of the boys in the car shopping cart. So cute.

Sounds like a great day.