Friday, January 11, 2013


A little design update on SISTERS FARRAR...I thought it was time.
So if you are on Reader, take a look. 


Natalie said...

hey monica, can the label be a little brighter? it seems a little pale to me. That is what you were probably going for....just a question, you dont have to do it.

kaitlin said...

i love it! good work.

monica said...

Ya, before I had it a brighter pink and it was so PINK. so i made it lighter to not be so in your face pink...sorry. youll be fine.:)

stephanie said...

Yeah, I don't know if I'm a fan of how lightbitvisceither. I could live with the banner, but the same color is used for links in the post, making them really difficult to see that text... Do you mind fixing something so that it is darker/brighter?