Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10 on 10: Stephanie

8am: woke up to Rob entertaining the kids on the couch. Bless him.
9am: He's trying to talk me into letting him watch something other than the agreed-upon show
10am: I wish I took another picture of our "mom school" - but here is our "sensory" activity - coloring on butcher paper taped to the wall. Occupational Therapists I've worked with say this is good for fine motor.
11am: Mail! Henry received a package from the Quigleys in the mail today.
noon: Dinosaur museum with our friends Bo and Kai (who you can't see). Letter D week in Mom School.
1pm: Greeting our neighbor-cat B-Mo. And look! Almost no snow! We haven't seen that much pavement since November.
2pm: Making pancakes for June. This is why Rob is in charge of the pancake making at our house.
3pm: My view from my nap (June is napping and Henry is being babysat by our tv).
6pm: Dinner
7pm: Family Night at Target. June only rode in the cart on the way out to the car.
And an eleventh picture in honor of tomorrow, the eleventh, and my brother who turns a really old age tomorrow. Happy Birthday Jacob! (Animal Kingdom. Dec 2009)


Kendra said...

Love when you do these. Thanks for the pics!

Natalie said...

Seriously? You cant make pancakes? Funny girl. I love your little Utah life....makes me reminisce about our childhood in Utah. So great!